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Beethoven in "Help!"

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    Originally posted by MCS:
    Let me get this straight....Did you beg and grease your boss? Or did you just grease yourself instead?

    Glad I'm not the only one here with a sick dirty mind!

    "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


      Originally posted by Rod:
      Glad I'm not the only one here with a sick dirty mind!

      <font color="green">Everyone has dirty thoughts now and then, wether he be you, me, or a priest. It's not always a</font> <font color="red"><font size=3>crime</font></font>

      <font size=3>Bob</font>

      <font color="green">Some have said I am ripe for the Madhouse. Does that make me Beethoven? No, but it is interesting.</font>

      [This message has been edited by Bob the Composer (edited 08-04-2001).]
      Some have said I am ripe for the Madhouse. Does that make me Beethoven? No, but it is interesting.


        [QUOTE]Originally posted by MCS:

        Let me get this straight....Did you beg and grease your boss? Or did you just grease yourself instead?
        No I did not grease my self. But the begging was quite hard, and now I buy more biscuits than he can supply!
        [QUOTE]Originally posted by MCS:
        Nice to get a prespective from 'Down Under'.
        G'day and all.
        GRRRR! New Zealand is a long way away from Australia! Although I have family there, Most New Zealanders are horrified if someone thinks that they are Austrailian! I suppose it would be like someone asking tou if you were American instead of Canadian, (except it is worse for me because there is an ocean between our cultures)

        But I'll let you of this time MCS,

        P.S Road kill has the same meaning here also, but "Roadsmash" is just heavenly, and the corrective services that I mentioned have a 200% money back garentee, If you are not completely satisfied I'll refund the product and give you your money back, Yes thats right! (now I am turning into an American sales man!)


        Beethoven and all composers Rock!

        [This message has been edited by oboe_15 (edited 08-04-2001).]
        Beethoven and all composers Rock!


          Originally posted by oboe_15:

          Well, it is hard ot describe, It has little chunks of chocolate, marshmellow, caramel all evenly mixed into a chocolate eclair type ice cream. It is just heaven in a bowl! And I would gladly send it to anyone if they asked me to (as I get if for a steaking price at the supermarket I work in, providing I can send it in a freezer somehow). There are alot of foods that I love here in New Zealand. And while we are on the topic of food, until recently, I though that it was impossible to find "Mcvities Digestives" (a British thing)The reason I know of them, is because my music teacher brang them back for me after she was telling me how good they are! And now I am hooked! I had to BEG AND GREASE to my boss to import them. They too are good to have in the bath while having a big ol cup of Milo (hot chocolate).

          I know that this is not entirly related to Beethoven, but I am sure that he would of had a favourite food (does anyone know what it was?) and if he were around today, he would LOVE the food that I love! ANYONE WOULD! But I do wonder if it is recorded that he had a favourite food?

          And to all the Americans, What are "Sloppy Joes"? It has driven me crazy as to waht they are!

          Beethoven?Roadsmash ice cream ROCKS!


          [This message has been edited by oboe_15 (edited 08-04-2001).]
          I'm afraid you're going to have to explain what Mcvities Digestives are. This American has never heard of them. It sounds like something you would take for an upset stomach! Here's my recipe for Sloppy Joes:
          Pound of hamburger, Sloppy Joe mix, and a can of tomato paste, a little water, and just cook it all together, (fry the hamburger first, of course). It's quick and easy and very good!!

          'Truth and beauty joined'


            Originally posted by Bob the Composer:
            Everyone has dirty thoughts now and then, wether he be you, me, or a priest. It's not always a crime

            Bob, something tells me you're having a heck
            of a good time with your newfound colour and size lettering. Keep it up, it's keeps things
            interesting. You just never know what you might come up with next!!

            'Truth and beauty joined'


              Originally posted by Rod:
              Glad I'm not the only one here with a sick dirty mind!
              Rod, you have a one track mind! And after coming all this way to administer your "corrective behaviour method" on me!! You'd think that would have gotten you off that track for a while anyway.
              'Truth and beauty joined'


                Originally posted by Peter:
                Not much! Just put me in a rowing boat on a river with a glass of Champagne listening to the strains of the scene by the brook on my walkman and I'd be in heaven!
                That means heaven to me too!! I love the sound of a babbling brook, good wine, and good music, (Beethoven, of course). Throw in a little poetry and you've won my heart. Sounds wonderfully romantic! Too good to be true.


                [This message has been edited by Joy (edited 08-05-2001).]
                'Truth and beauty joined'


                  Originally posted by Peter:
                  His coffee at 60 beans per cup must have been awfully strong!
                  STRONG?!?!?! That strength would keep me up for a year! Maybe that is the secret to good composer? And maybe that is why he had such an enormus output of music? Good strong coffee! 60 beans!? I cant't get my head arounf that.

                  All composers should drink strong coffee!


                  Beethoven and all composers Rock!

                  [This message has been edited by oboe_15 (edited 08-05-2001).]
                  Beethoven and all composers Rock!


                    Originally posted by Joy:
                    I'm afraid you're going to have to explain what Mcvities Digestives are. This American has never heard of them. It sounds like something you would take for an upset stomach! Here's my recipe for Sloppy Joes:
                    Pound of hamburger, Sloppy Joe mix, and a can of tomato paste, a little water, and just cook it all together, (fry the hamburger first, of course). It's quick and easy and very good!!

                    Well, the digestive biscuits are just the best, (come on all you British postees, agree with me). They are wholegrain buiscuits that you have with your hot beverage of choice. They do have alot of wholegrain so maybe they are for the digestion (if you know what I mean). And I would also spread the gospel of the Digestive by sending them half way around the world to you.

                    Thankyou Joy for the recipe, I am a strict vegetarian, so is the a sloppy bean joe of some kind?

                    Food is awesome!


                    Beethoven and all composers Rock!

                    [This message has been edited by oboe_15 (edited 08-05-2001).]
                    Beethoven and all composers Rock!


                      Originally posted by oboe_15:
                      STRONG?!?!?! That strength would keep me up for a year! Maybe that is the secret to good composer? And maybe that is why he had such an enormus output of music? Good strong coffee! 60 beans!? I cant't get my head arounf that.

                      All composers should drink strong coffee!


                      It might have been what killed him!!!

                      'Man know thyself'
                      'Man know thyself'


                        Originally posted by oboe_15:
                        Well, the digestive biscuits are just the best, (come on all you British postees, agree with me). They are wholegrain buiscuits that you have with your hot beverage of choice. They do have alot of wholegrain so maybe they are for the digestion (if you know what I mean). And I would also spread the gospel of the Digestive by sending them half way around the world to you.

                        Thankyou Joy for the recipe, I am a strict vegetarian, so is the a sloppy bean joe of some kind?

                        Food is awesome!

                        Thanks for explaining what McVities Digestives are! They sound good. I'll check my international supermarket and see if I can find them. They have a great European section. Also, I never heard of Sloppy 'Bean' Joe so I'm not sure if you can make it like that. Maybe soy or tofu? Are you into that?

                        'Truth and beauty joined'


                          I am hereby formally requesting permission to use some of the messages in this thread for a book I am planning, to be entitled "Baking with Beeth Oven".



                            That was very cute scene from Help.

                            I rememebr in 1986 after the Space Shuttle Challenger blew up that a classical music station in New York City played the Beethoven 6th symphony---strangely enough, it really did work as a healing agent.

                            Originally posted by Bob the Composer:

                            Last night, I watched Help!. That's right, the Beatles movie. At one point Ringo is confronted by an escaped zoo tiger who aparently can calm down only if you sing "Ode to joy" by "famous Beethoven." Ringo can't quite pick it up, but everyone else suddenly starts singing it, (in German!) and pretty soon, the whole town is singing along! The tiger was quite pleased. It made me curious if anyone here has ever found that in a tense situation (whatever it may be) that humming something by Beethoven will make you feel better or make the trouble go away somehow.

                            <font color="orange">B</font>o<font color="orange">b</font>

                            Ad majorem dei gloriam


                              Originally posted by Michael:
                              I am hereby formally requesting permission to use some of the messages in this thread for a book I am planning, to be entitled "Baking with Beeth Oven".

                              You certainly have my permission to use my Sloppy Joe Recipe, Michael. By the way, love the 'catchy' title of your new book!

                              'Truth and beauty joined'


                                To oboe:

                                Didn't mean to get you upset about being an Aussie and all, but from where I sit up here in the Great White North, New Zealand STILL looks like it's down under...And yes, Canadians DO get upset when they're mistaken for Americans (even though there is at least a lake of difference between our two cultures). As for McVities, what can I say? It's one of the advantages of still being in the Commonwealth that they are readily available in this country. And they are great. Especially with tea.
                                I would have gotten back to you sooner, ob, but I've been on vacation these past two weeks. Went out to see the Rockies...And do you know what sounds great driving through those great mounds of stone? Yes...Ludvig's Eroica! And the 9th was wonderful too! Somehow, the scenery seemed even more beautiful with the addition of the music. I think Ludvig would have approved.

