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The freshly-bought thread

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    Originally posted by Suzie:

    Besides records, I had never really collected anything until I met Ludwig. So now, ugh, I can't help it, I collect various Beethoven doodads. Mostly books, stamps and old postcards. Ummm... concert posters, programs, sheet music, baseball caps I got a beautiful Austrian stamp with Florestan on it at the opera last Friday.

    Here is handy tip to bring joy to your daily life: I buy Beethoven stuff from ebay and have it delivered to my office. It motivates me to come to work!

    Good idea, Suzie! I bet that does brighten up your day. It sounds like you have a pretty good collection of Beethoven memorabilia too!

    'Truth and beauty joined'
    'Truth and beauty joined'


      Today at the local library used book sale I picked up these items.

      NAXOS Brahms four symponies set $4
      Beethoven symphonies 1,2,3,4,5 and 7 Walter Weller $2
      Il Turco In Italia with Cecilia Bartoli $2
      L'italiana in Algeri with Jennifer Larmore $3

      I also have on order coming in the mail a Wagner Ring cycle conducted by Swarowsky in 1968.

      Old thread but it hasn't been quite 14 years.
      "Life is too short to spend it wandering in the barren Sahara of musical trash."
      --Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff


        Originally posted by Happymelody View Post
        I've been thinking about this for a while now. I love this board but it saddens me greatly that music is considered divorced from real life in this board. We are real people - social creatures - and i think of classical music as part of my character that goes hand in hand with a new lipstick.

        maybe more young people would listen to classical music too when if they could see it integrated into their lives.

        yesterday i went to go visit a very sick friend (another tori-phile - i met him through the tori amos message boards) and brought to cheer him up, some flowers, a box of See's chocolates, and a mix CD that i had burned with a couple of my fave classical works - since he doesnt know classical music very well, i included Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (pletnev on piano of course!), my fave Haydn Sonata, a little Chopin, including a waltz, and a rachmaninov etude. He loves it!! i think that the music helped lift his spirits and brought us closer.

        today i was back on the tori message boards and talking to a 24 year old girl in holland, who, it turns out, listens to opera. She was telling me how she just loves "Dido and Aeneas" - which to be totally honest i've never heard - but now i must go check it out! Of course, on the tori message boards we were pretty far off topic - but how much can you say about Tori Amos? (she's awesome though) - pretty soon people want to get to know each other as real people.

        that's my take on it. i'm a real person, you're a real person, i'd like to get to know you as part of getting to know classical music and would hope for the reciprocal.

        if this doesn't work for you-all, i guess i just wont be back, which saddens me terribly.


        [This message has been edited by Happymelody (edited May 14, 2003).]

        I hope that you don't decide to leave us here Melody. There is nothing at all wrong about your topic here but what you should do is post any non music topics in the General Discussion section of this forum. There you can post any topic you wish that has nothing to do with music.

        Peter, can you transfer Happymelody's topic to the General Discussion section? I think it will then find its rightful place for the topic's replies.
        "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


          His 2CDs of Beethoven's Variations and Bagatelles is a must, just exquisite.


          I agree, quite superb, highly recommended.

          Must it must be


            Originally posted by Hollywood View Post
            I hope that you don't decide to leave us here Melody. There is nothing at all wrong about your topic here but what you should do is post any non music topics in the General Discussion section of this forum. There you can post any topic you wish that has nothing to do with music.

            Peter, can you transfer Happymelody's topic to the General Discussion section? I think it will then find its rightful place for the topic's replies.
            Why rake this up from 2003?

            Perhaps Peter could have deleted the discussion of which toiletries she purchased and just kept in the Haydn Pianos Sonatas for discussion.

            Melody is welcome to talk about music, but I doubt anyone here is interested in the latest lipstick or bath salts. There are plenty of other forums to discuss that kind of thing. I hope Melody understands , we don't want to chase her away.
            ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


              For some inexplicable (to me) reason, Melody's profile says,

              Last Activity: 12-31-1969 07:00 PM

              Somehow she was on here before the internet was invented! Must be a visitor from the future? So, if she does not come back, someday we can catch up to her.
              "Life is too short to spend it wandering in the barren Sahara of musical trash."
              --Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff


                Originally posted by Megan View Post
                Why rake this up from 2003?

                Perhaps Peter could have deleted the discussion of which toiletries she purchased and just kept in the Haydn Pianos Sonatas for discussion.

                Melody is welcome to talk about music, but I doubt anyone here is interested in the latest lipstick or bath salts. There are plenty of other forums to discuss that kind of thing. I hope Melody understands , we don't want to chase her away.
                Gee Megan, sorry if I ruffled any feathers but I just wanted to point out that the General Discussion section of this forum is here for any of those topics not relating to music, which Melody's topic was all about. I agree that perhaps nobody cares what she bought that day but then you have the right to or not to reply to such topics.

                Anyway, sorry if I have stepped on anybody's toes.
                "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.


                  Originally posted by Hollywood View Post
                  Gee Megan, sorry if I ruffled any feathers but I just wanted to point out that the General Discussion section of this forum is here for any of those topics not relating to music, which Melody's topic was all about. I agree that perhaps nobody cares what she bought that day but then you have the right to or not to reply to such topics.

                  Anyway, sorry if I have stepped on anybody's toes.

                  No ruffle. I know what you mean Hollywood, but is it likely she will see your nice response after so long a gap of 14 years? Perhaps she is a friend of yours so you could try to encourage her back. This just makes me think how long BRS has been such a success we have been going for 14 years!
                  Last edited by Megan; 02-06-2017, 08:36 AM.
                  ‘Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.’


                    Originally posted by Megan View Post
                    No ruffle. I know what you mean Hollywood, but is it likely she will see your nice response after so long a gap of 14 years? Perhaps she is a friend of yours so you could try to encourage her back. This just makes me think how long BRS has been such a success we have been going for 14 years!
                    So that's what you meant about 2003. I was trying to rack my brain about what happened in 2003 (thought I was having another senior moment).

                    I don't know her so I can't really say that she is a friend of mine. But I just feel that she posted her topic in the wrong section which started this whole Rigamoro.

                    Anyway, what's with her Last Activity on her profile saying it was on 12-31-1969 07:00 PM? 1969? PCs weren't even around yet until the 1970s and this forum wasn't born until the 2000s. So how is that date possible? Strange indeed...
                    "God knows why it is that my pianoforte music always makes the worst impression on me, especially when it is played badly." -Beethoven 1804.

